Get Paid To Sell Links - LinkXL.Com
Name: Link XL
Category: Get Paid To Sell Links
Website: LinkXL.Com
FAQ (Frequently Ask Question)
Is the LinkXL™ service better than going through a text link broker?
Brokers of text links tend to focus on the few higher PR pages on your site and ignore the lower PR pages where you can make the most money due to volume of sales. It is not cost effective for brokers to sell links on many of your inside pages. The LinkXL™ service allows you to sell or buy links on every page of your website. Our patented service is extremely automated and meets search engine standards.
The LinkXL service helps you sell links on 100s or 1,000s of your website pages. Remember, if you only sell an average of five dollars of text link ads on each of these pages, you can make a substantial amount of extra monthly revenue. Also, our service allows you to sell text link ads that advertisers really want – text ads integrated into relevant content.
Am I allowed to still use LinkXL™ with other advertising systems such as Goolge Adsense, Yahoo! Publisher Network, AdBrite or other affiliate programs?
It’s your site, who are we to say what type of ads you can or can not run? Our goal is that your site becomes a success and achieves all your goals, and if that involves using multiple advertising services – then do it! Your success is critical to our success!
How much does using the LinkXL™ service cost? Are there any hidden fees?
LinkXL™ charges a 50% commission on all HTML text links you sell in your web sites. So if you sell a text link ad for $10 per month, you get $5 each month for that link as long as it is renewed and LinkXL™ will receive a $5 as a service fee.
LinkXL™ covers all marketing and site merchant charges that are involved in payment collections from advertisers. There are no hidden fees.
Right now I am already selling text link ads on my web site that are managed by a text link broker. Can I still use the LinkXL™ service to sell additional HTML text link advertising?
Yes! It’s your site and only you know what is best for your advertisers and your bottom line.
Do you require set pricing I should charge for advertisers to purchase HTML text links on my web site?
We have the default charge set at $5 / month to get you started, however, you have the control to set the default prices for your domains to whatever you feel your links are worth.. You can also set specific charges for specific pages on your website. There is also a feature that allows you to charge a premium for anchor text that includes specific keywords. For example, you might want to charge a premium for text ads that contain the term SEO or Gambling since demand for such words is high.
What will happen if I raise the prices for HTML text links on my web site?
If you raise text link ad prices on your site, only advertisers that buy new text link ads will be charged the new amount. Current advertisers can continue to renew at the same price for as long as the link they are buying on your site exists.
What if I decide to change the content of my page and some paid HTML links get taken down?
We allow a maximum of 3 days down per HTML text link ad. If any ad does not meet this threshold, you will not get paid for the ad. Advertisers that have “link up time” issues on a continual basis will be suspended from the system. While we will allow occasional downtime issues, however, we expect our advertisers to make every effort to keep their advertisers HTML text links up 100% of the time.
What if an advertiser buys an HTML link on my website but then I decide I do not want their link in the content of my website? Can I cancel their HTML link?
Yes, you have full control of who advertises on your website. You can simply take any link down at any time. Keep in mind, if you take a link down, that advertiser will not have to pay for any portion of that month that their link was up. Also remember, if you want to take down links, it is best to take them down early in the month rather than late it the month.
Do I have control over who advertises their HTML text links on my website?
Yes, you can block / ban specific categories of websites from advertising on your web site. You even have the ability to block specific domains and advertisers from advertising on your web site.
How and when do I get paid for the HTML text link ads on my web site?
Publishers will be paid by the 10th of each month. This payout will be based on revenue collected from all ads placed or renewed on the publisher’s website(s) during the previous month that meet time guidelines. The Payout can be sent via PayPal or Check depending on publisher payout preference.
Payout Schedule
Publishers will be paid by the 10th of each month. This payout will be based on revenue collected from all ads placed or renewed on the publisher’s website(s) during the previous month. Payouts are sent via PayPal or mailed check depending on publisher payout preference upon account sign-up.
Here are the first month billing rules:
Text ad purchased – 1st thru 14th : Advertiser is charged remainder month only (days left) for the links added to advertisers shopping cart and purchased.
Text ad purchased – 15th thru 31st: Charge partial month plus next month total charge (Days left + one full month charge) for the links added to advertisers shopping cart and purchased.
Examples:If an advertiser buys a $15 link on the 5th of September, they will be charged for 25 days which would cover the 6th thru the 30th of September – or $12.50 (50 cents * 25 days)
If an advertiser buys a $25 link on the 18th of September they will be charged for 13 days left in the current month (13 * 83.333 cents) $10.83 + $25 for the next month, October. In November they would be charged the normal $25 renewal fee.
*** The links and the amount of days purchased will be reinstated to the user at checkout. ***
Category: Get Paid To Sell Links
Website: LinkXL.Com
- NEW! DoFollow or NoFollow Text Links!Instant link placement -- complete automation, Relevant links in content on publisher's website, Your links get crawled; value is passed on, Simple, easy to use member area, Automated billing -- budget control ,
- Real links help your organic rankingCentralized purchase across 1,000s of sites, No click fraud -- links are natural in content, Traffic that is interested in your website, Text link ads that really work ,
FAQ (Frequently Ask Question)
Is the LinkXL™ service better than going through a text link broker?
Brokers of text links tend to focus on the few higher PR pages on your site and ignore the lower PR pages where you can make the most money due to volume of sales. It is not cost effective for brokers to sell links on many of your inside pages. The LinkXL™ service allows you to sell or buy links on every page of your website. Our patented service is extremely automated and meets search engine standards.
The LinkXL service helps you sell links on 100s or 1,000s of your website pages. Remember, if you only sell an average of five dollars of text link ads on each of these pages, you can make a substantial amount of extra monthly revenue. Also, our service allows you to sell text link ads that advertisers really want – text ads integrated into relevant content.
Am I allowed to still use LinkXL™ with other advertising systems such as Goolge Adsense, Yahoo! Publisher Network, AdBrite or other affiliate programs?
It’s your site, who are we to say what type of ads you can or can not run? Our goal is that your site becomes a success and achieves all your goals, and if that involves using multiple advertising services – then do it! Your success is critical to our success!
How much does using the LinkXL™ service cost? Are there any hidden fees?
LinkXL™ charges a 50% commission on all HTML text links you sell in your web sites. So if you sell a text link ad for $10 per month, you get $5 each month for that link as long as it is renewed and LinkXL™ will receive a $5 as a service fee.
LinkXL™ covers all marketing and site merchant charges that are involved in payment collections from advertisers. There are no hidden fees.
Right now I am already selling text link ads on my web site that are managed by a text link broker. Can I still use the LinkXL™ service to sell additional HTML text link advertising?
Yes! It’s your site and only you know what is best for your advertisers and your bottom line.
Do you require set pricing I should charge for advertisers to purchase HTML text links on my web site?
We have the default charge set at $5 / month to get you started, however, you have the control to set the default prices for your domains to whatever you feel your links are worth.. You can also set specific charges for specific pages on your website. There is also a feature that allows you to charge a premium for anchor text that includes specific keywords. For example, you might want to charge a premium for text ads that contain the term SEO or Gambling since demand for such words is high.
What will happen if I raise the prices for HTML text links on my web site?
If you raise text link ad prices on your site, only advertisers that buy new text link ads will be charged the new amount. Current advertisers can continue to renew at the same price for as long as the link they are buying on your site exists.
What if I decide to change the content of my page and some paid HTML links get taken down?
We allow a maximum of 3 days down per HTML text link ad. If any ad does not meet this threshold, you will not get paid for the ad. Advertisers that have “link up time” issues on a continual basis will be suspended from the system. While we will allow occasional downtime issues, however, we expect our advertisers to make every effort to keep their advertisers HTML text links up 100% of the time.
What if an advertiser buys an HTML link on my website but then I decide I do not want their link in the content of my website? Can I cancel their HTML link?
Yes, you have full control of who advertises on your website. You can simply take any link down at any time. Keep in mind, if you take a link down, that advertiser will not have to pay for any portion of that month that their link was up. Also remember, if you want to take down links, it is best to take them down early in the month rather than late it the month.
Do I have control over who advertises their HTML text links on my website?
Yes, you can block / ban specific categories of websites from advertising on your web site. You even have the ability to block specific domains and advertisers from advertising on your web site.
How and when do I get paid for the HTML text link ads on my web site?
Publishers will be paid by the 10th of each month. This payout will be based on revenue collected from all ads placed or renewed on the publisher’s website(s) during the previous month that meet time guidelines. The Payout can be sent via PayPal or Check depending on publisher payout preference.
Payout Schedule
Publishers will be paid by the 10th of each month. This payout will be based on revenue collected from all ads placed or renewed on the publisher’s website(s) during the previous month. Payouts are sent via PayPal or mailed check depending on publisher payout preference upon account sign-up.
Here are the first month billing rules:
Text ad purchased – 1st thru 14th : Advertiser is charged remainder month only (days left) for the links added to advertisers shopping cart and purchased.
Text ad purchased – 15th thru 31st: Charge partial month plus next month total charge (Days left + one full month charge) for the links added to advertisers shopping cart and purchased.
Examples:If an advertiser buys a $15 link on the 5th of September, they will be charged for 25 days which would cover the 6th thru the 30th of September – or $12.50 (50 cents * 25 days)
If an advertiser buys a $25 link on the 18th of September they will be charged for 13 days left in the current month (13 * 83.333 cents) $10.83 + $25 for the next month, October. In November they would be charged the normal $25 renewal fee.
*** The links and the amount of days purchased will be reinstated to the user at checkout. ***
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