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Get Paid to Blog. List of websites that could give you money by your blog

Get Paid Per Click Ads (PPC) and CPM - Obeus.Com

Name: Obeus
Category: Get Paid Per Click Ads (PPC) and Get Paid Per mile Impression (CPM)
Website: Obeus.Com

Thinking out we aimed at creating some kind of democratic advertisement system. What does democracy mean in connection with It means that only users have influence on system. Only users define pricing policy and play a fundamental role in system balance.


* Make money publishing ads on your web-site.
* Full-controllable Ad block design.
* Tolerant policy: we accept sites of different size and popularity.
* Detailed earnings statistics.
* Traffic counter and other additional features.
* Payment options: PayPal, AlertPay, LibertyReserve, Pecunix and e-Gold.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

I am publisher and I want to earn money. What should I do?

1. Register at and activate your account.

2. List your site in our Catalogue.

3. Create an advertising block for your site. Ad block could be horizontal or vertical; it can contain one or more ad. You have full control on block design so it will completely integrate to your web-site!

4. Insert JavaScript block-calling code to your web-site pages. It doesn't matter if your site uses pure-HTML, SSI, ASP, PHP, Perl or any other technologies.

5. Earn 50% of each ad click cost! You will also automatically participate in Affiliate program.

Why is different from others?

First of all, we follow the open and tolerant policy. We don't hide any rates and taxes, every user can access this information.

Secondly, we are not going to define high minimal CPC. We believe that users are able to find the golden mean themselves. So, you can even try to advertise your website for few cents per click.

Thirdly, we tried to extremely simplify the registration process so it won't take you a lot of time.

Fourthly, we are going to support a lot of electronic payment systems. We don't want to get stuck on just credit card payments. For now PayPal, Visa/MasterCard, AlertPay, LibertyReserve, e-Gold and Pecunix support is integrated, but we are working on adding other popular systems.

Fifthly, each site that doesn't break the law and has no contradictions with human moral values can join No minimal daily visitors limit is introduced.

We are planning to improve services constantly. We have a lot of interesting ideas, that - we hope - one by one will be realized in the nearest future.

The combination of all factors listed above allows us to expect great demand for this service.

Why should I register as publisher if my site has less than 1000 visitors a day?

Of course your ad block won't be high profitable if your site has less than 1000 visitors a day and it displays low-cost ads. But you take part in Affiliate program! Few advertisers and publishers can give you in 10 times more income than ad block on your site!

How could I list my web-site in Catalogue?

1. Register at and log in. You will be redirected to your Member Home page.

2. On your Member Home page click "My Sites".

3. Click "Create". Fill the form, select Catalogue category that the most closely fits your site. Please, note that you can't select grayed categories.

4. Click "Register". Your submission will be reviewed by a moderator and then your site will be listed in Catalogue.

Please, note that you should create an ad block for your site to start selling ad space and earning money.

What does income from my site depend on?

Your income depends on many parameters. The most important are following:

1. CRT extremely depends on position of ad block on your site and on ad block design. CRT of 5% (50 clicks per 1000 ad impressions) is considered as high. To improve CRT you should place ad block on the most visible place of your site. Also you should design ad block so it maximally fits your site and seems to be a single whole with your site.

2. Your income straightly depends on your web-site attendance. So bring as more as possible visitors to your site.

3. Rating of your site in Catalogue is important parameter. With greater rating your site is more important to advertiser, so rating stimulates CPC growth for your site. We can't predict average CPC for your site but it's a fact that CPC can reach $10 and more.

4. Don't forget about Affiliate program! Few advertisers and publishers can give you more income than ad block on your site.

Will I have any profit if ad block on my site shows only free ads?

Sure! Showing ad block you take part in our Affiliate program. So any advertiser or publisher that comes to from your site will give you referral income from each paid click.

Affiliate Program Affiliate Program was designed to increase popularity of pay-per-click advertising services.

That means that pays you for its advertising.

When you register at as publisher, you take part in Affiliate Program automatically. If you are an advertiser, you can take part in Affiliate Program with help of your Referral Link determines referral relationships between users in the following way: when some user clicks an "Advertise on this site" or "" link on your site's ad block, writes a cookie that will be valid for 7 days. If that user registers at within mentioned period, he becomes your referral. That's true even if he has visited for several times from other sites after that.

You will get 40% bonus of any referred publisher earnings and 10% of any referred advertiser spends. FOREVER!

How is money distributed when a textual ad was clicked?

When a textual ad was clicked its owner pays money for click (CPC). This amount of money is distributed according to the following scheme:

1. 50% is sent to publisher's account where ad was clicked.

2. 20% referral commission is sent to publisher referrer (this is 40% of referral earning).

3. 10% referral commission is sent to advertiser referrer.

4. 20% is system commission.

How much do you pay to publishers?

Here are the rates of revenue sharing:

1. 60% of CPM gets website owner.

2. 10% of CPM gets website owner's referrer (it is about 16.7% of referral's earnings)

3. 10% of CPM gets advertiser's referrer.

4. 20% of CPM is system commission.

Advertisers may place any CPM bids on their choice. Obeus does not define prices except of minimal bid which is currently $0.50 (May 13th, 2007). Real bids vary from site to site, from category to category.

Though, we must admit that publisher's revenue depends not only on CPM bids but also on website traffic quality. More precisely - on website CTR. It is Obeus fair policy.

How does it work exactly?

- All CPM bids mean click-through rate of 1% and more. If your website has lower CTR then you should expect less revenue. For example if CTR on your website is 0.5%, your revenue will be two times smaller because in such case advertiser pays proportionally less. In this way publisher's CPM may be decreased down to 1 cent!

That's why placing an ad block on some invisible place on your website will result nothing.

How many banner ad blocks can I put on my website?

You may use any reasonable number of ad blocks on your website, but not on a single page.

According to our scissors we strongly recommend you to put only 1 (one) banner block on any given page of your website because CTR is counted for each banner block separately. If your website has a 1% average CTR but you have 2 banner blocks on same page then each block has a 0.5% average CTR. As a result you have same revenue at best.

If you still insist on having numerous blocks on a single page, you should watch out for extremely low CTR, because it may result refusing us to serve your website.

After all please note that this article describes only banner ad blocks but not the text ad blocks. You may still combine both of them on a single page.

What is the minimal withdrawal?

Currently we allow our publishers/affiliates to request withdrawals as soon as they earn $1.00. We have the right to change this value at any time.

How can I withdraw my money?

Our publishers have the following payment options: PayPal, AlertPay, LibertyReserve, Pecunix and e-Gold.

How long will it take for me to get the money after withdrawal request?

We will pay as soon as possible. An average payment processing delay is few hours. But it won't take more than 2 business days.



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