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Get Paid to Blog. List of websites that could give you money by your blog

Get Paid To Reviews - SponsoredReviews.Com

Name: Sponsored Reviews
Category: Get Paid To Reviews
Website: SponsoredReviews.Com

What you can do with SponsoredReviews:
  • Write reviews in your own tone and style, and gear them to your audience's interest.
  • Earn cash by writing honest reviews about our advertiser's products and services.


Am I expected to write only positive reviews?

Absolutely not - you are paid to write in-depth, honest reviews. Your constructive criticism is not only appreciated, it is expected.

How much can I earn Writing Reviews?

With SponsoredReviews, you set your own price. Depending on the size of your readership and the quality of your blog posts, you can earn anywhere from $10 to $1000 per review. If you are a major site, you might be able to get even more.

How do I get paid?

You will receive your cash earnings via PayPal on a bi-weekly basis.

How do I sign up for PayPal?

Sign up free at

How do I know when or if I have been paid?

You can check your payment history and a summary of your outstanding earnings on our site at any time. You will receive your outstanding earnings two weeks after your review is completed.



  1. Blogger said...

    I earn $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what big companies are paying me for. They need to know what their customer needs and wants. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars each month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.

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