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Get Paid to Blog. List of websites that could give you money by your blog

Get Paid To Sell Links - ProjectWonderful.Com

Name: Project Wonderful
Category: Get Paid To Sell Links
Website: ProjectWonderful.Com

Everybody wins.

Project Wonderful is an online advertising broker with an innovative model that brings fairness, transparency, and profitability to the advertising process.

We're all about making online advertising more profitable and easier for everyone involved! Our own members will tell you how good we've been for them, as both advertisers and as publishers.


What's a publisher?

A publisher is someone who has a website, and would like to earn funds by putting advertisements on it.

At Project Wonderful, we give our publishers a simple block of copy-and-paste code, which they add to their sites where they'd like ads to appear. That's it: the rest is handled by us! The website is added to our network, and begins to attract advertisers. The publisher decides which ads he or she wants to run, and has full control over what is being displayed: any ad can be cancelled at any time.

How do I become a publisher?

To become a publisher, just follow the "Become a publisher" link at the top of every page when you're logged in, or visit this address:

There you'll be asked a few questions about the site you'd like to put ads on, and one of our staff members will visit your site and ensure it meets our standards. Either way, you'll get an email thanking you for considering us! If you're approved, the email will give you instructions on how to set up your ad box. And if we can't approve you at this time, you'll get an email expressing our regrets.

When we can't approve a site, it's most often because it's not meeting our publisher standards. These standards are detailed here: Which sites can I put Project Wonderful ads on?

Can I have more than one site under my account?

Of course! You can use one Project Wonderful account to manage your advertising on many different sites.

What are the fees associated with using Project Wonderful?

If you're an advertiser, there are no fees or service charges for using Project Wonderful. Everything is free! Our expenses are covered by charging a 25% commission to publishers on each bid on their adboxes. This is the lowest commission rate in the industry.

So for example, if you're a publisher and someone bids $1 a day on your ad box, we take $0.25 and the rest, $0.75, is credited to your account. Note that if you're a Canadian publisher, we are obliged to charge the 5% GST, and so our commission raises from 25% to 30% to cover this tax.

This commission is charged in real-time as the funds are being taken from the advertiser and deposited into your account, so you don't need to worry, as a publisher, about performing these calculations yourself on your Project Wonderful balance. The balance shown in your account is yours in full to spend.

Which sites can I put Project Wonderful ads on?

There are a few restrictions on the sites you, as a publisher, can put our ads on.

First off, it has to be a site that you have access to, obviously! While adding our code is a simple copy-and-paste operation, if you don't have access to your site to be able to paste this code in, there's not much we can do to help you, unfortunately!

Secondly, there are some content restrictions that we keep in mind when examining new sites. These include, but are not limited to:

Adult content:

Sites with adult content are not allowed on Project Wonderful.

Sensitive content:

Sites with hate speech and other sensitive content are not allowed on Project Wonderful. While we respect your right to express yourself as you wish, we also reserve our right to exercise discretion when adding publishers to our network.

Not enough content:

There needs to be enough content on your site for us to make an informed decision. Newly-launched sites are fine, but they can't be empty or still be under major construction. If you're applying with a blog or comic site, we ask that you have at least 30 quality posts. We also require at least semi-frequent updates, or an archive that can stand alone without new content.

Sponsored content:

This one mainly applies to blogs. There exist blogs out there (probably not yours!) which have accepted money in order to link certain products. These are usually easy to identify: suddenly the person is really enthusiastic about offshore pharmacies, online gambling, prescription eyeware, diet pills, multi-level marketing, and so on. We have found that such tactics are very anti-reader, and that this causes the blog itself (and any advertisements on it!) to perform poorly. If you have accepted such payments it's unlikely we'll be able to have you as a publisher.

Duplicated content:

If the content of your website isn't yours, that's a problem. Sites who have taken content from third parties (Wikipedia, other websites, and so on) are not what we're looking for: our publishers create their own content, and have sites that are original, appealing, and engaging.

Clean site design:

Obviously beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but a site that is too difficult to navigate - or already is so plastered with ads that it's hard to tell where the actual content is - is hard for both readers and advertisers, and is unlikely to be accepted. Furthermore, if your site already has pop-up ads, or ads that take up over the browser window ("pop-over ads"), we cannot accept your site. Such ads are very anti-reader and furthermore, obscure our own ads from being seen. It just wouldn't work out!

We re-examine our publishers from time to time and remove those who were approved in the past, but are now violating these terms.

How do I withdrawal funds from my account?

Just log in and visit your "My funds" page. There, under "Withdraw funds" you can enter in how much money you'd like to withdraw.

Withdrawals are processed within one business day and funds are sent to the PayPal account we have on record. You can alter this account under your "My profile" page, linked to at the top of every page when you're logged in.

How long does it take a withdrawal to be processed?

Withdrawals are processed within one business day. Remember, weekends and statutory holidays are not business days!

Can I put Project Wonderful ads on my site on a rotational basis?

You can, but we don't recommend it. Here's why!

Primarily, if you don't have our ads showing 100% of the time, the hits we track for that ad box will be lower, which will negatively affect bidding. We don't want that!

Another critical issue is that ads on Project Wonderful are served on the basis of time, not displays. If you are rotating the ad, you'll probably want to mention that in the ad box description, so viewers who bid aren't surprised to visit your site and not find their ad, or anyone else's.

Finally, if we don't get any hits from your site after a certain period of time, our robot visits your page to make sure the ad box is up. If it can't find the ad box code more than a few times in a row, it presumes either the site is down or you've removed the ad box, and suspends it - this is to ensure that bidders aren't charged for ads that aren't being displayed.

If you're using Project Wonderful ads on a rotational basis and want to avoid being suspended, you should go to "My ad boxes" and click on "edit". There, you'll find a space where you can define a compliancy URL for our robot. This link is what our robot visits to check that the ad box code is up. Supply a link to a page where the Project Wonderful code is always displayed (you can make this page private, if you want, so only our robot has to know about it), and your box won't be suspended unless your site really is down.

Can Project Wonderful ads run beside Google AdSense ads?

The short answer is yes!

There's no technical reason why they shouldn't, but Google AdSense's terms and conditions do put restrictions on you, telling you what you can and can't do with your website. At the time this was written, they state that you can't run:

"any advertisement(s) that an end user of Your Site(s) would reasonably confuse with a Google advertisement or otherwise associate with Google. If You have elected to receive content or Site-based Ads, You further agree not to display on any Serviced Page any non-Google content-targeted advertisement(s)."

Luckily, Project Wonderful ads are distinct from AdSense ads, and further, are not content-targeted.

Content targeting is when a website (like Google) gets a copy of your website, examines it for context and keywords, and determines which ad is most applicable. In contrast, Project Wonderful (as a website) has no idea what the content of your site is, and doesn't need to know, so yes, we believe that you can run Project Wonderful ads beside Google AdSense ads.

What size should my ad box be?

While prices on your ad boxes are determined by what advertisers are willing to pay, there are a few simple things you can do to make your ad box more attractive.

Economies rely on the system of supply and demand. If supply meets or exceeds demand, then everyone gets to buy what they want and go away happy. This is like having an ad box with 4 slots, and having 4 (or fewer) bidders. Everyone will get their ad displayed, and the going rate on the ad box will be $0.

However, if supply does not meet demand, then people will pay more for getting what they want. If you have an ad box with 2 slots but the same 4 bidders, then those bidders will have to complete to have their ad displayed. This drives prices upwards.

So, if you see your ad box is earning lower prices than what you'd like, one thing you can do is reduce the number of advertising areas on your site. If you've got more than one ad box, try consolidating your ad boxes. And if you've got more than one slot in your ad boxes, try reducing the number of available slots! Conversely, if you'd like to reduce prices, adding more slots is a good way to do that. You can do this under "My ad boxes" (click on "edit"), but remember that you can only alter the dimensions of your ad box while there are no active bids on it.

Increasing the size of the ads displayed, and making sure the placement of the ad box is ideal on your site, also tends to attract higher bids.



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